Remember when you were little, it was summer, and you played outside all day. The evening would come and usually a parent would call your name and yell for you to come inside. I can remember that I had to be inside right as the street lights would come on. If I wasn't, my dad would call out for me to come in.
I loved playing outside with my friends. I have always just loved being with friends. The acceptance that you get from friends that you may not always get from parents or acquaintances is very comforting. Also, when I played outside with my friends I felt free, and not so under my fathers watchful eye.
One night, we were having a great game of kick ball. Kids from the neighborhood had gathered into a crowd to watch. We were winning. A great time was being had by all. It was getting ready to be my turn to kick the ball. I looked around and saw that those street lights were getting ready to come. That would mean the end of the game for me. There were two other kids in front of me and then it happened, the lights came on. I'm thinking, ok if I can get these other two kids to hurry up and take there turn, surely I can kick the ball one more time, and run home, before my father sees that it's dusk. I'm trying to hurry these kids and then finally it's my turn. Just as I walk up to take my turn to kick the ball, I hear "Desiree, it's time to go". Oh man! So I yell back, like this ever worked, "Dad I'll be there in a minute, I'm not done here". Oh yeah, you know what's coming next. "Desiree,I said now". I couldn't take my turn, all the kids on my team were disappointed because I had to leave. Not so disappointed that they didn't get someone to stand in for me. The walk home was full of, mumbling and grumbleing. When I got home, to my surprise, there was my Uncle that I loved very much. My dad said, if I would have stayed out there too much longer, he would have had to leave, and I would have missed seeing him. Well, that was worth missing my turn at kickball.
When God calls out to you, and tells you to move, what is your response? Do you make yourself busy so you can pretend you didn't hear him? Do you just ignore him all together? Do you hesitate? Are you upset because the game of life was just about to get good, and your father calls you in, and redirects your path? Do you joyfully follow your fathers calling out to you?
He calls his own sheep by name and leads them out. When he has brought out all his own, he goes out ahead of them, and his sheep follow him because they know his voice. John 10:3-4
Our Father loves us so much, that he doesn't want us to miss what he has in store for us. Whatever your going through today, trust your Father, and listen to the calling. He goes out ahead of us, and we know his voice.
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