Thursday, October 15, 2009


I haven't had a chance really to Blog lately but that certainly doesn't mean God hasn't been a movin and shakin. Some things I keep to my self, and other things I share. Your gonna love this one.

So, yesterday I needed gas. The gas light was on and I had already made several trips back in forth, so I REALLY needed gas. I thought I would go ahead and get it last night at the gas station near my house. I pulled in, swiped my debit card, and it so pleasantly read DECLINE. Now, I should have known better because this has happened to me before at this station. I had money, it just didn't like my card. I had 1.90 in cash on me, so that's how much gas I got. I figured I would just go to another gas station in the morning.

Well, mornings are rushed at our house and I had asked my daughter to pay something for me with my debit card. She so lovingly did that, and then put my card on the table. We were very rushed, so out the door we went. Yep, the debit card stayed on the table!

I didn't realize this until we were 3/4 of the way there. I did what any crazed hurried person would do, I threw a temper tantrum. I hit the steering wheel and let go of a horrible screeching noise. So, after that I calmed down I simply said, "Oh well stuff happens". I kept going, took my daughter to school and turned around to go back home. It's not like it was an hour away. I was only 10 min away and with traffic it was 15. It was just the hassle that my day was not going as planned. I don't think anything that has happened this year has gone as planned. LOL

I turned around and went home. I did get to have an xtra half hour of praise and worship in my car, so that made it worth it at the time as well. I got home,picked up my card, started BACK to the gas station AGAIN. That 1.90 worth of gas got me to the gas station I was originally going to by my daughters school. I pumped the gas, started on my way out, and as I went to stop at the stop sign, I looked up and there was a rainbow. You probably were so wondering when I was going to get to my point. Here it is.

To me rainbows signify HOPE. Like I said, nothing seems to be going the way I had planned this year. It is different, and better. But with that being said, sometimes I can get lost looking at the day in how I think it should be and not how God sees it. God has given me so many surprises. I believe that God loves me so much, that I was suppose to be at that specific place at that specific time, so he could show me that he is right there, and that HE is HOPE.

No matter what it is that you are going through, no matter what it looks like, if you are obedient, and do as he asks of you, even if you don't understand, he will meet you there.