I just want to say what a successful journey I've had on Face Book. Who knew that could be such a great tool for healing and restoration.
In the last several months I have found three dear friends from Goose Creek High School. That's in Goose Creek South Carolina. Yes it's a real place, now stop laughing. I have had a great experience finding them. With all three, the feelings have been different, yet the same.
I won't name name's but, one friend, I was able to apologize for being insensitive to his feelings and at the time not be able to accept who he is. I've been wanting to do that for years. The best thing is, he accepted my apology and were still friends. He said we never stopped being friends. Crying as I type this, give me a sec.......He didn't have to do that. He could have just told me off and that would have been the end of it. I am thankful that he is a better friend to me, than I was to him.
My other two BFF's. It was wonderful to see the pictures of them now, with husbands, and kids. They look the same as they did in high school. It is such an odd feeling of "same". I have to explain this. We haven't spoken in many years, we haven't kept up with each other, up until a few months ago, I didn't even know anything about their life after we parted ways. When I found them, my feelings for them where the same as if we were right back in high school. We were able to exchange stories and fill in the gap a little the last few times we've spoke. The road hasn't been easy for any of us, yet the feelings of friendship and connection are the same.
This reminded me of another friend I have. I had turned my back on him for many years. I had lost my way.He would offer his help and I would turn him down every time. I always told him, "stop asking me if you can help me. Does it look like I need any help? Just leave me alone". Boy did I need help. He knew that. I knew that. I just couldn't step out side of my own selfishness to let it all go. I will give this friends him. His name is Jesus!
This experience that I've been able to have on FB has just brought to mind how excited Jesus gets when we re connect with him. He doesn't care how long it's been since we've last talked, or how badly we have destroyed the years in between. He's just so excited we have connected with him. No judgement, no condemnation, just friendship. I love that about him. There are still consequences, but it so much better to do life with him, than without him.
My friends have shown me grace and forgiveness, and the "same" friendship, no matter how long it had been. Like we were never apart.
I once was lost, but now I'm found.........
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