I don't believe it's a secret that I don't like my job. I've been doing the same job for about 12 years. I am praying for change and being patient until God opens the door to something else. Just this morning before I even opened my eyes I was having a conversation with God. It went something like this: "Lord, please don't make me go to my wretched wretched job today. I just can't even get up out of bed today to do that. I don't want to go please don't make me." About 20 minutes later I got up. I went through the motions of my morning ritual of getting ready to go to work, got in car, and drove to my wretched job. I sent Jen an email explaining my discontent. She said "Your going to have a great day and God is going to bless you". Great,maybe he will bless me with a new job.I say another prayer before I swipe my key fob to get in the building. It went something like this: "Lord you already know that I don't want to be here. I pray that your light really shines through me today and that people see you and definitely not me."
I enter the building....
I log into my computer and begin to work. The same thing I've been doing for forever. I probably could do it with my eyes closed. It gets to be about 10:00 and i see an email in my in box. The email reads as follows: "We would like to congratulate Desiree McElroy as she is our employee of the month." Wait let me go back and read the email again. Really? ME? Employee of the month? WOW! You may need to take this time to go back to the beginning and read again. It doesn't change. I don't like my job.
What a fantastic testament to what the Holy Spirit can do in a person. I didn't get employee of the month based on my willingness to be there, I can tell you that. It was because I am helpful when people need assistance. I put others needs ahead of my own. Even though I don't like my job, my boss is always the same. I work for the Lord.
I always look so hard to see if I am being obedient and if there is more that I can do. I try to live my life as a servant every day. It gets hard to see through the repetition day in and day out. I believe God shows himself in all kinds of ways. I believe he was telling me today,"I know you don't like it here, you would rather be doing something else for me, but I appreciate your obedience." His encouragement means more to me than Employee of the month. It means I am a child of God and I am his humble servant. That's the best job ever!
new post on new blog!
Hey friends!
If you haven't visited my new blog yet, I'd love for you to stop by...Just
posted some ministry/relationship-with-God reflections (with maybe ...
13 years ago
I love the blog! Heidi helped me with the little sidebar things on mine. I love the header picture, though. It's perfect!
The blog looks fantastic. I think you have so much to share and your stories will give hope to many. God Bless your ministry!
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